Campus Uprising Book
The Chronicle of Higher Education reports that “White supremacist groups are targeting college campuses like never before,” while the appearance of nooses, swastikas, and racial epithets are increasing across the United States. This timely volume presents a wide range of perspectives to offer readers practical steps and policy options for creating campus structures that are fair and inclusive to students of all races and social statuses. It features chapters from a university president, a department chair, a campus chaplain, cultural center directors, faculty, and students—including voices from the front lines of recent protests at the University of Missouri and Howard University. Campus Uprisings demonstrates the power and value of principled nonviolent activism to provoke change and provides thoughtful strategies to help universities manage conflict and racial tension.
“For me, personal or individual success is great, but I don’t feel complete if the people around me —including my community— are not succeeding as well.”
Dr. Ty douglas | Founder

Introduction to Dr. Ty
Dr. Douglas is the inaugural Associate Athletic Director for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging at the University of California, Berkeley. He formerly served an an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis and an affiliate faculty member of the Black Studies program at the University of Missouri. He earned a Ph.D. in Educational Studies/Curriculum and Teaching with a concentration in Cultural Studies and a Post-Master’s Certificate in School Administration. Drawing on his international background, Dr. Douglas’ work explores the intersections between identity, community space (e.g. athletics, barbershops, churches and neighborhoods) and the social and cultural foundations of leadership, sport, and education.
Dr. Douglas is not your typical administrator or academic. He has taught in K-12 and post-secondary settings in the U.S. and Bermuda, founded and directed a GED Community School, hosted an annual Back to School Community Event, and served on the executive committee of the American Educational Studies Association. He is a border crossing brotha-scholar who authentically connects with people, while operationalizing his MEsearch and WEsearch for maximum community impact. The co-editor of a special issue on the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative in Teachers College Record—one of the leading education journals, Douglas’ work is crossing borders!
He has also been the recipient of many awards and scholarships, including the 40 Under 40 Columbia Business Times Award, the prestigious 2013-2014 UNCG School of Education’s Early Career Award, a 2013 Distinguished Dissertation Award by the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and the 2016 Mizzou College of Education Outstanding College Teaching Award.